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IELTS Speaking test in Iran – August 2014

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What kind of work do you do?
- Why do you do this job?
- Do you like it?
- What do you like about it in particular?
Cue Card
Talk about a country that you would choose for travel if you had a chance to go anywhere. Please say
- What country would it be?
- How long would you be staying there?
- What time of the year would you go there?

- When was the last time you used a taxi?
- Why did you use a taxi?
- Do you think the taxi service is good?
- Is travelling abroad popular with young people in your country?
- Why is it so popular?
- What is your opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism?
- Have you ever faced or heard about cultural invasion caused by tourism?
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