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IELTS Speaking test in Australia – September 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What would you like to do after finishing your studies? Why?
- Are there any lecturers that you don’t like? Why?
- How do you view teaching?
- Would you like a job as a teacher?
- Do you like teachers? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about an important conversation that you had with someone. Please say
- What was it about?
- When and why did you have this conversation?
- How did it affect you?
- How do people start a conversation in your country?
- What things do people like to talk about? Why?
- Do men usually talk about the same things?
- Do women like those topics? Why?
- Do you think phone and face-to-face conversations are different? Why?
- What do you prefer, a phone or a personal conversation?

IELTS Speaking test in Australia – September 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you like your job?
- What is the most interesting part of your job?
- Will you change it in the near future?
- Do you like vegetables and fruits?
- How difficult is it to find fresh vegetables and fruits in your area?
- Why is it so?
- Did you study mathematics at school?
- Did you like it? Why?
- Did you have a calculator?
- When did you use it for the first time?
Cue Card
Describe a special place that you are planning to visit in the future. Please say
- What and where is this special place?
- With whom will you go there?
- What do you plan to do there?
- Why do you want to visit that place?
- Why is it so special to you?
- Do you travel a lot? Why?
- Are there any interesting places in your country?
- Why do you think people go to these places?
- What is the difference between seeing these places by yourself and watching them on TV?

IELTS Speaking test in Australia – August 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What do you do for a living?
- Do you think your work is easy?
- Do you think your work will change in the future?
- Where do you live now?
- Do you like watching the sky? Why?
- Do you prefer to do it at night or during the day?
- Is there a place in your hometown where you can see clear sky?
- Did you learn about sky in school?
Cue Card
Talk about ambitions that you have in life. Please say
- What are they?
- Why do you want to achieve this?
- Why haven’t you achieved this yet?
- What will you do to achieve it?
- Do you think people nowadays are too ambitious? Why?
- Do you think being ambitious at workplace is good?
- Why do you think people have these ambitions?

IELTS Speaking test in India – August 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What subject are you studying?
- Why did you choose it?
- Do you find it easy to learn? Why?
- Let’s talk about collecting things.
- Do you like to collect things?
- What do people usually collect?
- Where do they get such things?
- Let’s talk about weekends.
- Do you work or study during weekends?
- Do you like to plan your weekends?
- What did you do last weekend?
Cue Card
Describe a happy event from your childhood. Please say
- What was the event?
- How old were you then?
- What did you do?
- Why do you remember it?
- Let’s talk about children and adults.
- At what age do you think a child becomes an adult?
- Why is it so?
- Don’t you think this age is too young?
- Let’s talk about youngsters and society.
- Do you think there is a pressure on children to perform well at school? Why?
- What can be done to overcome this situation?
- Do you think children are becoming more materialistic these days? Why?

IELTS Speaking test in India – August 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Are there many public holidays in your country?
- What do you think about public holidays?
- What did you do on last public holiday?
- How long was it for?
- Is it important to have public holidays?
Cue Card
Describe a place other than your home where you like to read and write. Please say
- What and where is this place?
- What do you like about that place?
- How often do you visit it?
- How is this pace helpful to you?
- Is it important to have a special place to read and write?
- Are there any other places that people can go to?

IELTS Speaking test in Mauritius and South Africa – August 2015

- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Describe your house.
- What do you like about it the most?
- Is reading necessary in your opinion?
- Are there any local newspapers in your town?
- Do you think communication is important between neighbours?
- Where do people usually meet in your town?
- Why do they communicate?
Cue Card
Talk about a problem in your local area that you noticed. Please say
- What is it?
- Why do you think it might be a problem?
- Suggest a solution for it.
- Are there any other problems in your local area?
- How can your local area be improved?
- Is the government doing enough to provide better services to people in your country?
- What else can be done to improve the standard of living in your country?

IELTS Speaking test in India – August 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Were courses or subjects you took difficult to study?
- What did you like or dislike about your study? Why?
- What kind of work are you planning to do in the future?
- Describe the local transport in your city.
- Are there a lot of luxurious and comfortable vehicles?
- Do you believe local transport will improve soon?
Cue Card
Describe a vehicle that you would like to own in the future. Please say
- What vehicle is it?
- Describe the vehicle.
- Where and how would you use it?
- Why do you want to own such vehicle?
- Tell me about the traffic situation in your city.
- Are traffic jams more severe during any particular period of the day?
- Who do you think is affected the most by this problem?
- What do you think can be done to ease this problem?

IELTS Speaking test in Saudi Arabia – July 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you remember the house you lived in as a child?
- What did you like the most about it? Why?
- What kind of house do you live in now?
- What kind of house would you like to have in the future?
- Do you like vegetables and fruits? Why?
- Did you like vegetables and fruits as a child?
- Do you think children should work well in a team? Why?
- What kind of people don’t like working in a team?
- Do you think a team leader is important for a team? Why?
- Why is individual success more important to a person than a team’s success?
Cue Card
Talk about a team you were in (either in sports or at work). Please say
- What team was it?
- Why were you in that team?
- What did you do there?
- Did you enjoy being in that team? Why?
- What kind of music do people listen to in your country?
- Have you attended a live performance or concert?
- What kind of concert did you attend last time?
- Would you participate in a concert, if you had a chance?

IELTS Speaking test in India – July 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you find studying and working at the same time easy?
- How important are weekends for you?
- What do you normally do on weekends?
- What did you do last weekend?
- Are you good at organising time?
- How do you organise your time?
- Is it a skill that can be developed, in your opinion?
- Do you plan your weekends?
- Is it important to plan weekends?
- Do you seek help to organise your time?
- Do you think your job will be improved in the future?
- Do you study or work on weekends? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about something that you have learnt from the Internet. Please say
- What was it?
- How did you find out about it?
- Was it useful for you?
- What else can we learn from the Internet?
- How can a student make the most of the Internet use?
- Do you think it is better to use the Internet for academic purposes?
- What are some negatives of the Internet use?
- Why do some people use the Internet rather than books?
- Do you think libraries will be replaced by the Internet in the near future?
- What way to learn is better, through the use of Internet or by reading books?
- How can students get information from the Internet?
- Is it reliable?
- How did the quality of life change with the invention of the Internet?
- What are the benefits of Internet use?

IELTS Speaking test in India – July 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What are your future plans?
- Do you live in a house or an apartment?
- Describe your home.
- Do you like your home?
- Would you like to live there in the future?
Cue Card
Describe a person you know who is a good cook. Please say
- Who is this person?
- Why do you think he/she is a good cook?
- How did he/she learn to cook so well?
- Do you like cooking?
- Do you think you are a good cook?
- What do you usually cook?
- What do you like to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
- Do you make it yourself or does somebody cook it for you? Why?

IELTS Speaking test in Iran – July 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What do you do for a job?
- Do you like to watch the sky?
- When do you usually look at the sky?
- Where are the best places to look at the sky?
- Do you prefer to watch the sky in the mornings or at night?
- Where is the best place to watch the stars?
- How often do you do it?
Cue Card
Describe something that you want to do but you have not done yet. Please say
- What is it?
- Why do you want to do it?
- How are you going to get this done?
- Do you like enthusiastic people?
- Do you see many of them around?
- Is it good to be enthusiastic? Why?
- What should parents do to encourage children to reach their goals and desires?
- How can schools help in this regard?
- Do you think having enthusiastic people around is beneficial to others? Why?

IELTS Speaking test in Madrid, Spain – July 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What have you studied?
- Where do you live?
- Do like it there?
- Do you usually watch weather forecasts?
- Do you like to look at the sky?
- When do you think it’s the prettiest? Why?
- What do you know about the sky?
- Where did you learn it?
Cue Card
Talk about someone in your family that you would like to work with. Please say
- Describe the person and your relationship with him/her.
- What work would you do together?
- Why do you think it is a good idea?
- What do you think about working in the family business in general?
- What are the pros and cons in such a job?
- What do you think about working in a large family business?
- Where would you like to work?
- What would be your ideal job?

IELTS Speaking test in the USA – July 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What is the most interesting part of your job?
- What is more important, people you work with or the job that you do?
- Did you read books as a child?
- What kind of books did you read in your childhood?
- What was your favorite book back than? Why?
- Do you still like the same books that you have read as a child? Why?
- Do you usually remember things that you plan to do?
- What is the first thing that you need to remember to do during the day?
- How do you remember it?
Cue Card
Talk about a gift you bought that took a long time to find. Please say
- What was it?
- For whom did you buy it?
- How did she/he feel after receiving the gift?
- What kind of gifts do people give to others in your country?
- Do you like giving gifts to others? Why?
- What do you usually give to children as a gift? Why?
- What is men’s and women’s attitude towards gifts?
- Why is this attitude or the way of giving gifts different between men and women?
- What do people consider when buying gifts?
- Do you think gifts that we give to others should be useful? Why?

IELTS Speaking test in India – July 2015

Speaking test


- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What type of work do you do?
- Do you think your work is important?
- Do you like your job?
- Do you think your work will be more important in the future?
- Do you like weekends?
- How do you like to spend your weekends?
- Do you like to plan what to do on a weekend?
- How did you spend the last weekend?
- What type of clothes do you like to wear?
- Do you like to wear different types of clothes on weekends and during the week?
- Why is it so?
- Do you have different types of clothes in the same colour? Why?
- Can the Internet help in studies? How?
- Do you think the Internet is better than books? Why?
- Why do you think some people prefer books to the Internet?
- Will the Internet replace books eventually?

Cue Card

Describe something that you have learned recently from the Internet. Please say
- What was it?
- How did you find out about this website?
- Would you recommend this website to your friends?


- What is the most interesting thing about dating websites? Why?
- Nowadays the Internet becomes more important socially, so do you think it’s affecting personal relationships?
- Today there are many social networks, do you think they are good to form new friendships?
- What do you think about long-distance friendship?

IELTS Speaking test in Lahore, Pakistan – June 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- How often do you need to remember things?
- Why do you need to do it?
- Do you forget things sometimes?
- Why does it happen?
- How do you memorise things?
- Do you find it a good system?
Cue Card
Describe a trip that you would like to take. Please say
- Where would you go?
- With whom would you go there?
- What arrangements would be necessary for the trip?
- Do you think that people should visit different places?
- Why is it so?
- Should children visit places or only adults?
- Do you think business trips are useful? Why?
- Could a video conference easily replace a business trip?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of video conferences?
- Should people think about the environment before going on a business trip?

IELTS Speaking test in Iran – June 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you live in a house or an apartment?
- Do you like visitors coming to your home?
- How often do you have visitors at home?
- When someone visits you, how do you usually show hospitality?
- Do you like to visit other people? Why?
- How much sleep do you really need a day?
- How much sleep did you have when you were younger?
Cue Card
Describe an occasion when you were late and missed something important. Please say
- What was the situation?
- When and where did it happen?
- Why were you late?
- What is map-reading?
- Why are some people better at map-reading than others?
- Should all people be experienced map-readers?
- Why are people interested in travelling?
- Where do people usually travel to?
- Why do some people prefer to go to another country?

IELTS Speaking test in India – June 2015

Speaking test


- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What do you do?
- Do you like your job? Why?
- Will you change it in the near future?

Cue Card

Describe a subject that helped you in life, even though you didn’t like it in school. Please say
- What was the subject?
- Do you like it now? Why?
- How did it help you?


- Is there any subject that you would like to study now? Why?
- Are you interested to enrol in any special courses?
- Have you visited a museum?
- Did you find it interesting?
- What do you think about visiting museums?
- Do you think drawings and paintings are important?
- What is your opinion about scientific research that doesn’t guarantee results for the society?
- Should we continue spending money on such researches?

IELTS Speaking test in the Philippines – June 2015

Speaking test


- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you enjoy your job?
- Do you think your work will change in the future? Why?
- What kind of TV programs do you watch?
- Why do you like those programs?
- Did you have the same preferences when you were younger?
- What programs do you think will be on TV in the future? Why?
- How much sleep do we need a day? Why?
- Did you have the same sleep habits when you were younger?
- Is the afternoon nap necessary for you?

Cue Card

Describe a place you have been to which is full of colour. Please say
- Where and what is this place?
- What did you see and do there?
- Who was there with you?


- What is your opinion about billboards and street advertisements?
- Do you think they make a place look better?
- What preferences in exterior and interior home design do people in your country have?
- Do you think gender has something to do with it?
- Are pictures necessary in textbooks?
- Is there a difference between children and adults and how they see pictures in reading materials?

IELTS Speaking test in Malaysia – June 2015

Speaking test


- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Lets talk about your home.
- Is it a house or an apartment?
- Can you describe it?
- Do you like living there?
- Why do you love your house?
- What did you learn in primary school?
- What subject did you like the most?
- Why did you like it?

Cue Card

Talk about an instance you remember that urged you to wake up very early in the morning. Please say
- What was the cause of the early wake-up?
- Why can/can’t you wake up early?
- What did you do that morning?


- What do you think about old or young people having a difficulty to wake up early?
- Why do old/young people need more rest?
- What is the advantage for those going to work very early in the morning?

IELTS Speaking test in India – June 2015

Speaking test


- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you live in a house or an apartment?
- Describe your home.
- Do you like your home?
- Would you like to live there in the future?
- What type of clothes do you usually wear? Why?
- Do you wear different clothes during the week and at weekends?
- Will you continue to wear the same type of clothes in the future? Why?
- Is there any particular color of clothes that you prefer? Why?

Cue Card

Talk about a person you know who is a good cook. Please say
- Who is this person?
- Why do you think he/she is a good cook?
- How did he/she learn to cook so well?


- Do you think you are a good cook?
- Do you enjoy cooking?
- What do you know about eating habits of children?
- Should children know the products used to make the food they are eating?
- Should they also know the source of these products? Why?
- Should schools take responsibility for providing healthy and nutritious food to their students?
- Should children be taught how to cook at school? Why?

IELTS Speaking test in Brazil – June 2015

Speaking test


- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What do you study?
- What do you intend to do after finishing your studies?
- Do you like to watch TV?
- What do you usually watch?
- Did you watch TV more often as a child?
- What kind of programs should be on TV?

Cue Card

Describe your favorite famous person. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- What does he/she do?
- When did he/she become famous?


- Would you like to be famous? Why?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?
- Do you think there are benefits to being a child of a famous person?
- Why do people want to be famous without knowing how to achieve it?

IELTS Speaking test in Berlin, Germany – May 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you live in a house or an apartment?
- Do you like living there? Why?
- Do you like to watch the sky? Why?
- When do you do it?
- Do you prefer to watch the day or the night sky? Why?
- Did you learn anything about the planets in our solar system at school?
Cue Card
Talk about a place near water that you visited recently. Please say
- What and where is this place?
- When and with whom did you go there?
- What did you do there?
- Did you take a lot of photos there?
- Do you have a photo of that place at home?
- Do you think clean water is important for people? Why?
- What is the reason for shortage of clean water in the world?

IELTS Speaking test in Bangladesh – May 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Do you work or study?
- What is the most important part of your job?
- What do you enjoy more, the work you are doing or people you work with? Why?
- Do you like reading?
- What type of books do you like to read?
- Can you remember a book that you read in your childhood?
- Did you like it? Why?
- Do you like giving books to youngsters?
- Do you watch movies?
- What sorts of movies do you usually watch? Why?
- Where do you watch them, at home or in the cinema?
- Would you like to make a film in the future? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a historical building that you have recently visited. Please say
- What and where was it?
- When did you visit it?
- What special features attracted you the most?
- What can be done to attract people to visit historical places?
- Would you prefer to renovate historical buildings or to build new ones?
- Who should take the responsibility for repairing historical buildings, the government or individuals? Why?
- Why do you think historical buildings have a significance for people?

IELTS Speaking test in India – May 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What is your favourite place at home?
- What feature do you like the most about your house?
- What kind of movies do you like? Why?
- Did you like the same kind of movies when you were younger?
- If you had a chance would you like to make a film?
- Do you like to read books?
- What kind of books do you usually read?
- What kind of books did you read as a child?
- Why did you like it?
- Do you think children should read books? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a strong disagreement that you had with a friend. Please say
- What was the disagreement about?
- How did you resolve it?
- What was the result?
- What disagreements do teenagers usually have with their parents?
- What disagreements do children usually have with their peers?
- Do you think being polite is an important cultural aspect? Why?
- Do you think being polite helps in business? How?

IELTS Speaking test in the Philippines – May 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you live in a house or apartment?
- Describe it please.
- Are there any restaurants near your place?
- How often do you have visitors at home?
- What preparations do you do before that?
- When did you have visitors last time?
- What types of clothes do you like to wear? Why?
- Do you have certain clothes that are common in your closet?
- Do you think you will wear them in the future? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a surprise that made you happy. Please say
- What was it?
- Where and when did it happen?
- Why did the surprise make you happy?
- Who else was involved in it?
- How did you know about the surprise?
- How do people in your country show happiness?
- It is said that happiness contributes to overall health. Do you agree or disagree?
- Why do you think so?
- Do you think poor people are happy in your country?
- It is said that attitude can affect a person’s happiness. Do you think it is true?

IELTS Speaking test in Iran – May 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you usually watch the sky?
- What do you think about looking at the sky?
- Do you like to look at the sky during the day or the night?
- What’s the difference?
- Can you see the sky from your apartment?
- Do children learn about space in your country?
Cue Card
Talk about a song from your childhood that you remember until now. Please say
- What is it about?
- What is the significance of this song to you?
- What do you feel listening to this song?
- What kind of music is popular among young people?
- How important is music in our life? Why?
- Is music important in your culture?
- Is there a difference between music for young people and older generation?
- Do you think that music should be taught to children?
- Is there any relation between the age and the type of music people like?
- Do you think preference in music changes as the person grows older?
- Could music be considered a national identity?

IELTS Speaking test in Brazil – June 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What do you study?
- What do you intend to do after finishing your studies?
- Do you like to watch TV?
- What do you usually watch?
- Did you watch TV more often as a child?
- What kind of programs should be on TV?
Cue Card
Describe your favorite famous person. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- What does he/she do?
- When did he/she become famous?
- Would you like to be famous? Why?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?
- Do you think there are benefits to being a child of a famous person?
- Why do people want to be famous without knowing how to achieve it?

IELTS Speaking test in India – June 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you live in a house or an apartment?
- Describe your home.
- Do you like your home?
- Would you like to live there in the future?
- What type of clothes do you usually wear? Why?
- Do you wear different clothes during the week and at weekends?
- Will you continue to wear the same type of clothes in the future? Why?
- Is there any particular color of clothes that you prefer? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a person you know who is a good cook. Please say
- Who is this person?
- Why do you think he/she is a good cook?
- How did he/she learn to cook so well?
- Do you think you are a good cook?
- Do you enjoy cooking?
- What do you know about eating habits of children?
- Should children know the products used to make the food they are eating?
- Should they also know the source of these products? Why?
- Should schools take responsibility for providing healthy and nutritious food to their students?
- Should children be taught how to cook at school? Why?

IELTS Speaking test in Malaysia – June 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Lets talk about your home.
- Is it a house or an apartment?
- Can you describe it?
- Do you like living there?
- Why do you love your house?
- What did you learn in primary school?
- What subject did you like the most?
- Why did you like it?
Cue Card
Talk about an instance you remember that urged you to wake up very early in the morning. Please say
- What was the cause of the early wake-up?
- Why can/can’t you wake up early?
- What did you do that morning?
- What do you think about old or young people having a difficulty to wake up early?
- Why do old/young people need more rest?
- What is the advantage for those going to work very early in the morning?

IELTS Speaking test in the Philippines – June 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you enjoy your job?
- Do you think your work will change in the future? Why?
- What kind of TV programs do you watch?
- Why do you like those programs?
- Did you have the same preferences when you were younger?
- What programs do you think will be on TV in the future? Why?
- How much sleep do we need a day? Why?
- Did you have the same sleep habits when you were younger?
- Is the afternoon nap necessary for you?
Cue Card
Describe a place you have been to which is full of colour. Please say
- Where and what is this place?
- What did you see and do there?
- Who was there with you?
- What is your opinion about billboards and street advertisements?
- Do you think they make a place look better?
- What preferences in exterior and interior home design do people in your country have?
- Do you think gender has something to do with it?
- Are pictures necessary in textbooks?
- Is there a difference between children and adults and how they see pictures in reading materials?

IELTS Speaking test in India – June 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What do you do?
- Do you like your job? Why?
- Will you change it in the near future?
Cue Card
Describe a subject that helped you in life, even though you didn’t like it in school. Please say
- What was the subject?
- Do you like it now? Why?
- How did it help you?
- Is there any subject that you would like to study now? Why?
- Are you interested to enrol in any special courses?
- Have you visited a museum?
- Did you find it interesting?
- What do you think about visiting museums?
- Do you think drawings and paintings are important?
- What is your opinion about scientific research that doesn’t guarantee results for the society?
- Should we continue spending money on such researches?

IELTS Speaking test in Iran – June 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you live in a house or an apartment?
- Do you like visitors coming to your home?
- How often do you have visitors at home?
- When someone visits you, how do you usually show hospitality?
- Do you like to visit other people? Why?
- How much sleep do you really need a day?
- How much sleep did you have when you were younger?
Cue Card
Describe an occasion when you were late and missed something important. Please say
- What was the situation?
- When and where did it happen?
- Why were you late?
- What is map-reading?
- Why are some people better at map-reading than others?
- Should all people be experienced map-readers?
- Why are people interested in travelling?
- Where do people usually travel to?
- Why do some people prefer to go to another country?

IELTS Speaking test in Lahore, Pakistan – June 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- How often do you need to remember things?
- Why do you need to do it?
- Do you forget things sometimes?
- Why does it happen?
- How do you memorise things?
- Do you find it a good system?
Cue Card
Describe a trip that you would like to take. Please say
- Where would you go?
- With whom would you go there?
- What arrangements would be necessary for the trip?
- Do you think that people should visit different places?
- Why is it so?
- Should children visit places or only adults?
- Do you think business trips are useful? Why?
- Could a video conference easily replace a business trip?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of video conferences?
- Should people think about the environment before going on a business trip?

IELTS Speaking test in India – July 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What type of work do you do?
- Do you think your work is important?
- Do you like your job?
- Do you think your work will be more important in the future?
- Do you like weekends?
- How do you like to spend your weekends?
- Do you like to plan what to do on a weekend?
- How did you spend the last weekend?
- What type of clothes do you like to wear?
- Do you like to wear different types of clothes on weekends and during the week?
- Why is it so?
- Do you have different types of clothes in the same colour? Why?
- Can the Internet help in studies? How?
- Do you think the Internet is better than books? Why?
- Why do you think some people prefer books to the Internet?
- Will the Internet replace books eventually?

Cue Card
Describe something that you have learned recently from the Internet. Please say
- What was it?
- How did you find out about this website?
- Would you recommend this website to your friends?
- What is the most interesting thing about dating websites? Why?
- Nowadays the Internet becomes more important socially, so do you think it’s affecting personal relationships?
- Today there are many social networks, do you think they are good to form new friendships?
- What do you think about long-distance friendship?

IELTS Speaking test in Uganda – April 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What do you do?
- Do you like your job?
- Is it related to your future career? Why?
- Tell me about a typical family in your country.
- How many hours do you sleep in a day?
- Do you perform better when you sleep for an hour during the day?
- Are you good at timekeeping?
- How do you manage your time?
- How did you learn to manage your time?
Cue Card
Describe an event in your childhood that you remember. Please say
- What was the event?
- How old were you then?
- What did you do during the event?
- What age a person becomes an adult in your country?
- What do you think is the age a person can become totally independent?
- Do you think roles of men and women are the same today as they were in the past?
- What do you think children should learn? Why?
- Should boys be treated the same way as girls?

IELTS Speaking test in Singapore – April 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Where do you live?
- Do you like it there? Why?
- Do you think sleep is important?
- Where do you like to sleep?
- What do you think about an afternoon nap?
- Do you like to read?
- Where do you usually read?
- Why do you prefer to read there?
- Would you rather read alone or with other people? Why?
Cue Card
Describe an interesting thing that you learned from the Internet. Please say
- What is it?
- How did you find out about that?
- Which website did you use?
- What other things did you learn from the Internet?
- Can you always trust the source of information on the Internet?
- Do you think that society depends on the use of Internet nowadays?
- Does it have an effect on businesses’ structure nowadays?
- How useful is the Internet to you?
- How do social networking sites affect our society today?
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