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IELTS Speaking test in Iran – May 2015

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you usually watch the sky?
- What do you think about looking at the sky?
- Do you like to look at the sky during the day or the night?
- What’s the difference?
- Can you see the sky from your apartment?
- Do children learn about space in your country?
Cue Card
Talk about a song from your childhood that you remember until now. Please say
- What is it about?
- What is the significance of this song to you?
- What do you feel listening to this song?
- What kind of music is popular among young people?
- How important is music in our life? Why?
- Is music important in your culture?
- Is there a difference between music for young people and older generation?
- Do you think that music should be taught to children?
- Is there any relation between the age and the type of music people like?
- Do you think preference in music changes as the person grows older?
- Could music be considered a national identity?
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