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IELTS Speaking test in India – January 2016

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Lets talk about photography.
- Do you like taking photos of yourself?
- Why is that?
- What kind of photos do you like to take?
- Tell me about a photo in your home that you like.
- Why do you like it?
Cue Card
Talk about a childhood song that you liked he most. Please say
- What song was it?
- Why did you like it?
- Do you still like to sing that song? Why?
- Why do you still remember that song?
- How did the music industry change since your childhood?
- What is more important in a song, lyrics or music? Why?
- What kind of songs become more popular among children? Why?
- When do people sing together in your culture?
- On which occasions do they usually sing?
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