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IELTS Speaking test in India – June 2016

Speaking test
- What is your name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Do you work or study?
- What is your major?
- Do you like to study in the morning or afternoon? Why?
- What is the most interesting thing about your study?
- What do you usually do in the evenings?
- Do you spend weekdays’ evenings in the same way as weekend evenings?
Cue Card
Talk about a piece of clothing that you received as a gift from someone. Please say
- What was it?
- Who gave it to you?
- When do you wear it?
- Let’s talk about uniforms.
- Why do people wear a uniform in your opinion?
- What can you tell me about different types of uniforms?
- What type of clothes do people wear at home and when they go out?
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