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IELTS Speaking test in the UK – June 2014

Speaking test


- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Describe the place where you live now.
- Do you like it? Why?
- Do you know many people around you? Why?

Cue Card

Describe the first mobile phone that you have got. Please say
- When and where did you get it?
- What did you mostly use it for?
- What difference did it make to your life? Why?


- What age group do you think is interested more in mobile phones? Why?
- Do you think the technology will make international travel unnecessary? Why?
- Do you think translation applications on mobiles will make learning another language unnecessary?
- How often do you use maps? Why?
- Do you know how to use them well?
- What do you prefer, using maps or asking people for directions? Why?

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