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IELTS Speaking test in Venezuela – July 2014

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Tell me about the place you are living in now.
- Do you like it? Why?
- Is there something that you don’t like?
- Do you interact with your neighbours?
- Have you ever been on a train?
- When was your first time?
- How did you feel about it?
- Is there a train system in your country?
- What was your favourite subject in primary school? Why?
- What subject didn’t you like in secondary school?
Cue Card
Talk about money that you have saved for something special. Please say
- What was it?
- How long were you saving for it?
- How did you feel when you eventually bought it?
- Do you think advertisements make people spend more? Why?
- Do you buy products online?
- Who do you think spends more, women or men? Why?
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