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IELTS Speaking test in India – February 2016

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What subject are you studying?
- Which part of your country do you live in?
- Have you visited any other parts of your country?
- What kind of discussions are usually taking place between people in your country? Why?
- How do you usually spend your day?
- Do you have time to visit your family?
- Do you see changes in people’s mindset today compared to the past?
- What kind of changes?
- Why do you think these changes are happening?
Cue Card
Describe a situation when weather affected you work or your day plans. Please say
- What did you intend to do?
- How did it affect you?
- How did you spend your time?
- How many seasons are there in your country?
- What are they?
- Describe the weather during these seasons.
- What kind of weather is preferred by people in your country?
- How does the weather affect people in your country?
- What kind of activities do people do in different seasons?

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