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IELTS Speaking test in New Zealand – February 2016

Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Did you learn to ride a bicycle in your childhood?
- Is it easy to ride a bicycle in your country?
- What are the benefits of riding a bicycle for a child?
- Is it safe to ride a bicycle on roads?
- What type of music do you like?
- Do you still like the same music that you liked in your childhood? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a toy that you used to play with as a child. Please say
- What was it?
- Who gave it to you and when?
- When and where did you use to play with it?
- How does media attract children towards toys?
- Do children learn any good habits from playing with toys?
- Do you think preference for toys changes with age? Why?
- Do you think some parents are spending too much money on toys?
- What does attract children towards a toy, in your opinion?
- Which are the preferable toys for children now? Why?
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