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IELTS Speaking test in Australia – March 2014

Speaking test


- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you like sunny days?
- What activities can’t you do on a sunny day?
- Would you go on a holiday to a place that doesn’t have any sunny days?
- Do you like to take photographs?
- What kind of photographs do you like to keep?
- Do you think being a photographer is an interesting career?

Cue Card

Talk about special clothes that you wore. Please say
- When did you wear the clothes?
- Where did you buy that outfit?
- What did people say about it?


- What do you look for when buying new clothes?
- Why do we need uniform?
- What are the disadvantages of having to wear a uniform?
- What is your opinion about workplaces that don’t have uniform?
- Do you think people nowadays are wearing the same styles of clothing as before?
- Do you think it’s something to do with globalisation?
- Do you think clothing manufacturers are pushing this trend?
- Is it a good thing that people no longer wear their traditional costumes?
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