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IELTS Speaking test in Nigeria – May 2014

Speaking test


- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you like visiting museums and art galleries?
- Do you like street markets?
- Are street markets common in your country?
- What is usually sold there?
- Do you think people like street markets? Why?

Cue Card

Talk about an animal that you like. Please say
- What animal is it?
- Where does it live?
- When did you first hear about it?
- Why do you like it?


- Do you think endangered animals should be kept in zoos? Why?
- How can governments prevent their total extinction?
- Do you think people have a role in preventing their extinction?
- What can be done by people in that regard?
- Should animals be used for work?

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