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The IELTS test score – an important change

As you all know, the IELTS score consists of 4 parts which are the scores for the Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking modules. Until now you could get half scores in the Listening and Reading tests, but for the Writing and Speaking you could only get whole bands (such as 6 or 7, but never a 6.5).
From 1 July 2007, as the IELTS official site www.ielts.org announced, the Writing and Speaking tests will also be graded using half-scores, just like the Reading and Listening. The reason for this change is to give students more accurate information on their skills. They also mentioned that students shouldn’t change a thing in the way they study.
Well, a change like that demands further research – I am going to look for more information about this and once I learn more – I promise to share :)
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