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IELTS Speaking test in India – May 2014

Speaking test


- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you have your own place?
- Do you stay with your relatives or friends?
- Why do people stay with relatives or friends?
- Are you in college?
- How was your first day in college?
- Did you enjoy it? Why?
- How long will you study there?

Cue Card

Describe the time when you stayed away from your home. Please say
- When and where did you stay?
- How long did you stay there?
- How did you feel about it?


- Lets talk about hotels. Why do people stay in hotels?
- What qualities do people look for in hotels?
- Is it preferable to stay with relatives or friends?
- What is the difference between staying with relatives or friends and living in you own home?

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